Monday, August 30, 2010

New Blog!

Hey you guys! I havent done a blog in so long so I am gonna work on one today! Thanks for being patient... School and dance have been crazy... But I will start keeping up on my blog.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's a Major award!

Thank you Jenny G for this award!
Here are the award rules-
1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award 2) Copy the award and place it on your blog 3)Link to the person who nominated you 4)Tell us 7 intresting things about yourself 5) Nominate 7 bloggers 6) Post links to the blogs I nominate

So here are 7 instresting things about me =)

1) All of my friends call me "Hailey"

2) I have sprained my both of my ankles two times

3) I love to play Soccer

4) I have played in Volleyball, Gymnastics, and now Dance

5) I love to watch Survivor

6) I am very shy around people I don't know

7) I love to sing!

Here are the 7 blogs I nominate!

1) Jenny G
2) Sandy
3) Lacy
4) Char
5) Kara
6) Misty
7) Katy

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sorry! again

Hey it's Hannah again and I just wanted to say sorry again because I haven't been blogging usually an I promise I will get back on it. I have been so busy with school, Dance, and trips. But I promise I will post some on here soon. I recently had a birthday too. So please forgive me for abusing my blog. Thanks!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I love dogs!

Hi! this is a post about I love dogs! And I adore them! I think they are so cute! I just love to hold them! They are my favorite Animal. I have 1 dog, 2 cats, and 3 turtles. I think I have enough animals. But out of all the animals, dogs are my favorite!

Cookie Baking at Grandma's!

So today we went over to my grandparents house and we baked cookies, then we put frosting on them! It was so much fun! We do it every year! I love doing it! We even have aprons! I just love it when we do it every year.

Pictures on the Beach

Hey! Well, I took these pictures a long long long time ago and I wanted to blog about them. SO we go to the beach every month starting in April. Sometimes we will be really busy and we wont have time. But we mostly do it every month.

A very late Halloween blog post

Hey! I know, this is like so late, but I need to get all my pictures off my camera because it's really full. I forgot to do it during Halloween. SO yeah! This year I stayed home at my house and gave out candy. But then I went over to my grandparents house and went trick or treating around her neighborhood